Etusivu » In English » For Companies

With the help of cooperation with companies, we are able to offer to companies a unique opportunity to highlight their own career paths. At the same time, the companies get comprehensive visibility effortlessly on the channels they choose. The company team of Biopsi also wants to offer company visits and presentations to members of Biopsi. With this, we especially want to encourage our members to look for career opportunities on the corporate side as well. As our cooperation partner, you can easily reach the top experts of the future!

We offer several different cooperation opportunities:
(More information about these from the business relations correspondent of Biopsi)
1) Biocollab (Most comprehensive cooperation; visibility of company in anniversary parties of Biopsi, the logo of the company is added to the overalls of new students, the logo of the company is also added to the our webpage and to the wall of the clubroom of Biopsi)
2) Biovisibility (The logo of the company is added to the our webpage)
3) Bioveralls (The logo of the company is added to the overalls of new students)
4) Rekrylab (Recruitment event in cooperation with many student associations)
5) Other

If you are interested in cooperating with us, please contact the business relations correspondent, Aino Malin (

Aino Malin

Business relations correspondent